Doggie Costumes.
If your going to dress up your pooch,make sure your pet is receptive to this,make sure your not causing any stress or discomfort to your fur pal.
Masks are not recommended for dogs as it impairs their vision.
Some dogs love dressing up but others dont there are great alternatives such as funky banadanas or collars.
Howlaween Decorations
Protect dogs from jack o latens and decorations keep items out of reach as lighten pumpkins can be hazard for furry paws.
Holaween Candy
Keep candy and chocolate away from your furpals,there are lots of dog friendly treats available for them.
Trick or Treating
Keep your furpal on a lead with an up to date id tag.
If your dog shows signs of distress to little ghosts and monsters(costumes) take your dog home immediately.
Find a secure place in your home to keep your dog,if you are giving out candy dont leave your furpal in the front yard
We hope these tips can help include your furpal in your Howlaween celebrations
luv,fur and candy corn